The new Aislelabs is here. Find out more

We’re rolling out new features today, Oct 9, 12:30-3:30 PM EST. Access may be briefly impacted for some users.  Check platform status.

Turn WiFi from a
Cost Center to a

Profit Center

Profit Center

Turn WiFi from a
Cost Center to a

Profit Center

Industry-specific marketing and analytics solutions powered by WiFi and people counter data

Emails Acquired
Total Visits
home hero background
Avg. Dwell Time

Trusted Globally, From Shopping Centers to Airports

Helping Brick-and-Mortar Teams,
Across Numerous Industries

Helping most where there are high dwell times and a desire for using "what's next"

Shopping Centers

Reward your most frequent visitors. Increase your email database. Better understand tenant foot traffic.


Know who’s actually in your airport. Track the passenger journey.
Better track wait times at security and check-in.

Multi-Location Retail

Deanonymize visitors. Grow your email marketing database. Increase return visits. Identify store-specific traffic and dwell time.

Mixed Use

Deanonymize visitors. Grow your email marketing database. Increase return visits. Identify store-specific traffic and dwell time.

In Another Industry?

We can help.

Increase Return Visits and Reward Loyalty

With the Aislelabs platform, send real-time, visit-triggered messages to the 3 critical visitor personas: new visitors, high frequency return visitors and long absence visitors.

wifi connected rewards emails
dwell times

Dwell Times and Traffic Counts for Spaces That Matter

Dwell times and traffic counts are critical insights for the leasing team in their discussions with tenants. Identify these critical metrics, by space and tenant, using the WiFi you already have today.


Built-Environment Marketers

Market Better

With the Hardware and Software
Integrations You Need

Aislelabs wifi marketing hardware compatibility

When turning your free Wifi offering into a profit center, first you must confirm hardware compatibility. Here at Aislelabs, we’re integrated into the most extensive list of WiFi and people counting platforms.

aislelabs wifi marketing software integrations

Beyond hardware, integrating Aislelabs into your total marketing and analytics workflow is critical to maximizing value. Search our Software Integration library to find the software you want us to integrate with.

aislelabs wifi marketing software integrations
Looking for free Resources or Downloads?

We’ve got you. Go to our Downloads library to download free, helpful resources, like customer case studies.